
Bite-size Taiwanese 一嘴台語

Wed Jan 15 11:07:00 CST 2020
  • 回資源列表
  • 語言:閩南語
  • 等級:綜合
  • 年齡:不分年齡
  • 媒體:綜合


【Bite-size Taiwanese 一嘴台語】

" Co-founded by a Taiwanese-American and Taiwanese duo passionate about the Taiwanese language, Bite-size Taiwanese helps English speakers pick up practical, everyday Taiwanese language along with interesting bits of local culture through fun, light-hearted podcasts, books, and more. The materials are specifically designed with English speakers in mind and are suitable for 2nd/3rd generation heritage speakers and foreign students.

【Bite-size Taiwanese 一嘴台語】

一嘴台語(Bite-size Taiwanese)是一位熱心ê臺美人kah一位臺灣人合作創設,用英語紹介臺灣話kah臺灣在地生活、文化,提供輕鬆趣味ê網路廣播節目、教材課本等等。為英語人設計,也適合海外第二、第三代kah外國學生使用,希望能透過此資源,幫助自學者有更加多元的學習資源。
